Mitchell Cat Creek Farms proudly owns a growing herd of purebred and registered Belted Galloway. We are the only farm in Michigan to have registered breeding stock of all three colors: Black, Dun and Red. Belted Galloway are often seen as "pasture pets" to many, but make no mistake - these heritage breed cattle are fully functioning beef cattle, that excel in many areas. They are low maintenance, maternal, easy keepers, and produce an amazing high quality healthy delicious beef.
Belted Galloway are docile, low maintenance cattle. They are known for their easy calving traits, excellent milk, & great mothering skills. Many Belted cows will "share" calves and nurse anyone who needs a drink. They are very efficient graziers and often will eat weeds and less desirable plants that many cattle would choose to leave behind. They convert feed very efficiently. Many Belteds live into their late teens, with minimal inputs needed. Their double hair coat helps to keep them warm in the winter, while allowing them to produce lean, fine grained and flavorful meat, that is extremely tender. Belted Galloway are considered a breed the Livestock Conservancy has on watch, and we are happy to carry forward this rare and wonderful breed.
Unregistered Purebred Belted Galloway Cows: Sarah Socks Virginia Clover Chewy
We are still crossing some of the Belted Galloway to the Angus bull and have started a crossbred herd. Crossbreds get the best of both breeds. (Often times refereed to as hybrid vigor.) Crossbred Belted/Angus Cows Skye 50%Belted Galloway/Angus Baby Angie -50%Belted Galloway/Angus
Belted Galloway News: We continue to AI the Belted Galloway cattle to produce some purebred calves, and also crossbreed a few as well. Follow along to see our cute babies!